Versiflex HLMR Pot Bearing Assemblies

Versiflex HLMR Pot Bearing Assemblies are typically used in applications where low-profile, high-load bearing devices are required. These products are designed for curved or skewed bridges and other complex structures where the direction of roation varies and cannot be precisely determined. 

The center-guided system consists of a single guide bar along the centerline of the bearing assembly. These systems are not recommended for applications where the horizontal force exceeds the vertical force by over 30 percent.

The edge-guided system uses two guide bars outside a rectangular pot plate. An inverted pot assembly is designed to provide uniform bearing along the guide bars.

Fixed bearing assemblies are designed to transmit horizontal forces in any direction through contact between the piston and the inside of the pot wall. This system restricts all horizontal movement while accomodating rotational movement.

A multi-directional beaing assembly allows horizontal movement in any direction with the addition of PFTE and stainless steel sliding surface between the piston and the sole plate.

Product Applications