
Cultec Webinar - June 9th, 11:30am-12:30pm MST

Cultec Webinar Registration - Learn about Cultec’s plastic stormwater chamber systems. Cultec chambers may be used as underground retention/detention systems, as replacements for ponds, concrete structures, or pipe and stone installations. Cultec provides a complete stormwater management plan consisting of filtration, conveyance, storage and infiltration.

Cultec revolutionized the stormwater management world with the advent of arched plastic chambers in 1986. Initially used for septic purposes, the civil engineers local to the DiTullio family’s Cultec operation began inquiring about the use of the product for underground stormwater management. Today, Cultec is acknowledged by its specifiers, installers and end users to offer the most complete and simplistic line of chamber solutions meeting modern stormwater volumetric and quality objectives.

Join us for this informational presentation by Cameron Brown, P.E. at Cultec! Attendees receive a Professional Development Hour Certificate.

Cultec Chambers